**MEANT FOR COMPUTERS** (hopefully  mobile one day)

 WASD is to move but only worry about "A" and "D" 

to aim and shoot, use left mouse trigger and use "A" or  "D" to aim as well. (only shoots at direction you are facing)

Space to jump (time it wisely on bright red platforms for boost) 

ESC for pause menu

Left mouse click to shoot!  

------------------------->Music -  Cosmic Energy by AP Shot<-----------------------------------

Kill "Steve the Sociable" (Fat Cat)

 If you touch enemies both you and them, will take a damage so if they disappear it means you killed them! Blue Areas are now healing stations!

 Your goal is to unlock the pink doors in the middle row by touching the white orbs around the map! I won't hold your hand so figure out how to move around the map and try not to die! Goodluck! 

Development log


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incredible game! space darrel my beloved. i hate jumping  very cool thumbs up! 

Thank you! jumping can be hard but once you master it then it's super helpful! 

This is so much fun.

It took me a while to understand the mechanics. Love the bounce it gives me the owl-y feel.
What if instead of wasd, arrows were used and upon pressing the up arrow the owl could fly, down arrow would get them back to the ground?

Curious to know how you'll explore.

interesting, I will try to add both WASD and arrows! The flying mechanic might something I will do in the near future for level 2!! 

This is super fun. I can see you really tweaked that jump and bounce mechanic quite a lot. It needs art, and I know you have been working on improvements, but you did a lot mechanically already. Keep it up!

wow this game. fantastic. i spent a lot of time figuring it out also its not as bouncy as the first version which is probably for the best. survival is probably my weakness so this game is is really hard for me. that being said, it might be a good idea to have some sort of healing. also some of the enemies disappear when you touch them and some of them dont. not sure if that was intentional. other than that it was fun!